
9 Bad Companions for Eggplants (Compatibility Alert)

eggplant companion planting

Imagine stepping into your garden, only to find your eggplants struggling while their neighboring plants flourish. This is a consequence of mismatched companion planting. Eggplants struggle when planted together with nightshades (e.g. tomatoes, potatoes), brassicas (e.g. broccoli, cabbage), squash, cucumbers, asparagus, fennel, and corn due to incompatible soil requirements, nutrient competition, shared pests, and chemical

9 Bad Companions for Eggplants (Compatibility Alert) Read More »

Slow-Release vs Fast-Release Fertilizer: Which is Better?

slow release fertilizer

There are many types of fertilizers available in the market.  Is the slow-release or the fast-release type better? Slow-release fertilizers are better for houseplants and vegetables if you want to establish sustained, lasting growth, and reduce the risk of root burning.  To target a specific nutrient deficiency problem and large lawn area, fast-release fertilizer is

Slow-Release vs Fast-Release Fertilizer: Which is Better? Read More »

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